Frequently Asked Questions

a. Validation is authenticating an award of an academic credential.
b. Alignment means determining the position of a qualification on KNQF.

A registered qualification is one that is listed on the Kenya National Qualifications Framework by the Authority.

Genuine qualifications can only be issued by an education and training provider if: -
• The institution is accredited and mandated to award the qualification. Always check the credentials of your institution. - Your institution should be registered and mandated to award qualifications by the relevant accrediting bodies in the country.
• The qualification is registered on the KNQF.

i. A Kenyan with a foreign qualification.
ii. A foreigner with a foreign qualification.
iii. A Kenyan or a foreigner with a local qualification from a qualification awarding body not registered on the KNQF.
iv. Corporate bodies that need clarification on the qualifications for prospective employees or employees.
v. Universities and TVET institutions who seek clarification on how to admit foreign and local system.

1. Alignment of qualifications for Kenyan Citizens- 5,000/=
2. Alignment of qualifications for Foreign Nationals- 10,000/=
3. Validation of Qualification for Kenyan Citizens- 1,000/=
4. Validation of qualification for Foreign Citizens- 3,000/=
Payment of all fees for services offered by KNQA shall be deposited to the bank account details; Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA)
Kenya Commercial Bank Ltd,
Moi Avenue Branch,
Account No. 1208626825